Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Marketing Obession

I have an attraction to marketing books that I can't really explain. On some levels I find marketing the kind of thing I might be against, I mean when you think about encouraging people to purchase things that they don't really need or maybe even want. Let's face it, marketing isn't all about making sales; it's also about recognition, being heard, getting your message out there.

Most marketing books have some tidbit to garner, you may not want to swallow everything hook line and sinker but their is value from learning about other people's experiences.

Here are some things I found of value from books I have read and I will list the books at the end of this post.

Keep your web page clean and simple, don't list things below the fold. "Homepage Usability: 50 Websites Deconstructed" by Jakob Nielsen. I may have taken this advice a bit serious, our web page has become very minimal.

Include not only your businesses address but also it's location; for example across the street from the court house. ~ This is great advice I just can't remember which of the books I found it in so you might want to read them all.

Tell your story ~ don't make up a fake story ~ tell real story or maybe even the back story. "Baked In: Creating Products and Businesses That Market Themselves" by Alex Bogusky.

Encourage creativity, embrace mistakes, create chaos, work in cramped quarters to encourage collaboration and idea sharing ~ "Bang! : "getting your message heard in a noisy world" Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval, with Delia Marshall.

"The next evolution of marketing : connect with your customers by marketing with meaning" Bob Gilbreath.

"The new rules of marketing and PR : how to use social media, blogs, news releases, online video, & viral marketing to reach buyers directly" David Meerman Scott.

"Guerrilla marketing for nonprofits" by Jay Conrad Levinson, Frank Adkins, and Chris Forbes.

"Marketing without advertising" by Michael Phillips & Salli Rasberry ; edited by Catherine Caputo.

"Guerrilla marketing : easy and inexpensive strategies for making big profits from your small business" Jay Conrad Levinson ; with Jeannie Levinson and Amy Levinson.

"The new rules of marketing and PR : how to use news releases, blogs, podcasting, viral marketing, and online media to reach your buyers directly" by David Meerman Scott.

One book suggested pretty much only advertising in the Yellow pages, which I didn't think would fly in my neck of the woods.

The end story here is that you probably need to pull information from as many places as possible to see what works best for you and your business or organization.

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