Friday, August 20, 2010

'all about love: new visions' by bell hooks

Susan here...

Our adult book and film series, 'What's Love Got to Do with It?', is in its second month and we will be discussing this book next Tuesday, August 24th, at 7:00 here at the library.

Alan and I have been reading it aloud as we traveled to New York for a long weekend. It was kind of a strange title to be reading (aloud, no less) in trains, airplanes and airports!

This is the second time I've read the first few chapters. I really appreciate how Ms. hooks (she chooses to not capitalize) looks at our culture and our definitions of love and both lack of love and manifestations of love. For such an important topic, we surely don't think very deeply about it, discuss it much, or even analyze it as a force in the culture. Much of what she says seems simply statement of fact, while others of her ideas are entirely new to me. It feels like a REALLY important topic and this book a good way to begin the discussion...

More when I actually finish the book...

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